Basic Singing Exercises

To see and to listen to these tunes in this web page you will need the Myriad Music Plug-in.
Please download and install the plug-in now.

(This material was created with Melody or Harmony Assistant.
Click here to download Melody Assistant or Harmony Assistant.)

Probably you should adjust the size of the score for your screen with ZOOM.
The instructions for each exercise are on the upper left of the sheet music.
If you don't need to read the music, don't bother.

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About these Exercises
In the mid-80s I took singing lessons from Barb Clark.
I went from someone who would never sing a note
to someone who enjoys singing in private.
And I was able to sing to my children from the time they were babies.
I have found that the exercises have helped with my voice.
Although don't sing in public, I use my voice for public speaking.
It is always a problem to find someone to accompany me during these exercises.
Melody Assistant does this well and tirelessly.
So these are here for me, but you are welcome to use them.
Use the transpose feature to adjust the exercise to your range,
and drag the green arrow to start anywhere in a piece. Best wishes... rjb

Barb Clark is now Barbara Seagris
When I knew Barb, she was co-owner of Clark Productions
and is an outstanding performer -- well-known in central Canada.
In 2005 we learned that Barb was living in Minnesota.
I no longer have her contact information.
(Barb, if you find this page, I'd love to hear from you... Robert B.)

Here is the usual Myriad Music caution
These music files are provided for private study, scholarship, or research.
All rights are owned by their respective composer.
If you want to use one of these files for public performance, selling, with or without change, you must get the authorization from its owner.
This page has been generated automatically by the Harmony Assistant's Jukebox HTML export.