Weather Resources
If you can read this, I know that you are not using a browser with frames. Since I don't see this material, it is possible for me to make coding errors in this 'no-frame' section. I'd like this to to be useful to you, and I would appreciate it if you would drop me a note if something is not working.
This is a collection of links to pages of weather forecasting information that we use when planning a trip into the mountains around Vancouver. I am grateful to the sites that have posted this excellent information. Let me know if any of these links vanish, or of relevant new sites. Write to Skiing or Riding. Please put Backcountry BC in the Subject.
This page is easier to navidage in a browser that can display frames. Sorry, this is the only use of frames at this site.
Feature How-to plot GPS tracklogs and waypoints on a topo map
Mountain Cams
Whistler Pan #1
Whistler Pan #2
Whistler Pan #3
Chilcotin-Tatla Area
3 dozen Pacific Mountain Cams This page takes a while to load
Cypress Bowl/Black Mt.
Mt. Rainier facing Wilson Headwall
Vancouver Cams
From Above Burrard Bridge excellent cam
Key to Above Burrard Bridge Landmarks (200 kb)
Burrard Bridge Archives
North Shore Mountains from Jericho Beach. Mt. Strachan on the far left
Lion's Gate Bridge
Snug Cove Ferry Berth
Alpine Forecast
Mt. Seymour Alpine 5-day Forecast winter season only
YVR (airport) 5-day Forecast
Surface Maps
World Surface Map
N. Pacific
Choose a LOOP (>0.5 meg) 60-hour predictions
Use these to anticipate when systems will arrive.
Recent Snowfall maps.
Jet Stream
Canada & USA
Satellite Images
Make your own IR loop popup window.
Use the above when there is no sunlight. Click the Build Animation button.
Make your own Visible light loop
When there is sunlight on the Pacific, the visible light images show icefields and other landmarks as well as clouds. Click the Build Animation
Same coverage as above, but GOES-10 animation shows huge a huge animation of the N. Pacific. The file is large and may choke your browser. On dialup go make coffee while this loads.
New N. America Colour loop
New 3-week colour globe
Radar Animation
Seattle to Sunshine Coast
Environment Can. Radar
Current Avy Bulletin
Don't leave home without it. Take the
transceiver, shovel and probe too.
Recent bulletin for South Coast / BC
And here is the bad news for this season:
Avalanche Reports
TelemarkTips News and Forum
NEW The Message Board at ClubTread encourages member to post pictures as well as trip reports. Good discussion here too. Orientated to hiking in the Pacific Northwest.
Canadian Mountain Encyclopedia
Please register and support this service. The information, photo essays and trip reports at this site are fantastic.
Please discover and support the Wilderness Education Program. Robert has provided some volunteer assistance to this worthy legacy of the work of John Clarke.
Thanks to all the sites that post this information.
If you use this site, we'd love to know the reason - or if you know of new and better sites, or spot problems here, please write to: Skiing or Riding. Please put Backcountry BC in the Subject.
Conditions in West Vancouver, click this: