About us and the projects we enjoy
Robert Ballantyne's resume is here.Governance Consulting & Policy Governance
Not-for-profit Boards are frequently ineffective due to poor understanding of the role of governance. As government funding is reduced, many such organizations are facing a crisis. Our communities need these organizations to effectively support our core values.
We have considerable experience with all forms of boards. We have served as directors, as CEOs, as staff, and as consultants. Solutions are possible if the leadership is willing to embrace change. We can help to facilitate this process. We are comfortable working with your board, the managers, and your staff.
Boards are often composed of volunteers. Motivating, recruiting, recognizing and managing volunteers is an essential, underrated and under-utilized program of Canadian not-for-profit organizations. As a museum director, Robert Ballantyne was responsible for a large volunteer program. He has been responsible for the formation of volunteer programs in several organizations.
We operate a website that is dedicated to the subject of governance. It includes articles plus a private forum for our clients to meet and hold asynchronous meeting. Please click this logo:
Facilitate Organizational Development or Change
This includes re-visioning, strategic planning, and creative problem-solving. Robert Ballantyne and Ian McLennan performed a study and produced an action plan for the future development of the Pacific Music Industry Association. Each year that Robert Ballantyne served the Vancouver Hotel Association, he facilitated a session to identify issues and set priorities. For the Whistler Resort Association, he wrote their first Manual of Policies and Procedures. This process often required negotiating new inter-departmental processes.
Work with People as their Facilitator or Leader to Accomplish Worthy Goals
For two years Robert Ballantyne worked for the British Columbia government to achieve corporate participation for Science & Technology Week. For each of those years we more than doubled participation. For over a year Robert served as Interim CEO of the Marmot Recovery Foundation during its startup. This resulted in the construction of a crucial high-altitude breeding facility that is the key to saving Canada's most endangered species.
We believe that, in the long run, knowledge industries and tourism will serve Canada far better than resource extraction. We are committed to the ethics of environmentalism. Robert Ballantyne is a Past President of the Canadian Nature Federation (formerly the Canadian Audubon Society) and President of BC Spaces for Nature. He is not opposed to the resource industries and is committed to seeking lasting solutions through negotiation. He served on the Leadership Committee of the Whitehorse Mining Initiative, and is signatory to the Accord. He sits on the Environmental Mining Council of BC.
Project Planning and Management
Since the early days of personal computers, we have been using PERT/CPM (program evaluation and review techniques/critical path) to plan and monitor projects. This versatile tool is useful to help people see how their actions affect other contributors, and how their work influences the outcome of the project.
Facility Development and Themed Attractions
Robert Ballantyne participated in the latter stages of the development of both Planetarium Dow (Montreal) and the McLaughlin Planetarium (Toronto). He envisioned and managed the development of Touch The Universe, a revenue-producing attraction in Winnipeg. In addition to providing leadership and project implementation, he has spent much of his career using his creativity to develop products to entertain and educate the public. This includes writing and producing numerous planetarium shows and writing a regular newspaper column for several years. He managed the Manitoba Planetarium for a decade, and was Director of Community Relations of the Manitoba Museum of Man & Nature. Robert is a member of the Themed Attraction Association BC.
Management Consulting - Especially for Not-for-Profits
As a leader in both the Winnipeg Convention and Visitors Bureau, and in the Canadian Nature Federation, Robert Ballantyne led processes of major change. In both cases this resulted in much stronger and better funded organizations.
An invitation from Robert Ballantyne
- At this stage in my career, I try to choose projects with clear and quantifiable outcomes. I do not mind performing a study of a situation and providing recommendations, but I would prefer to facilitate processes whereby participants subscribe to conclusions before the final report is written.
- I recognize that all of my achievements have been the result of working with others, so now I seek personally rewarding working relations with clients.
- We maintain contacts with a variety of other consultants so that, in concert with these associates, we may ensure best possible services to our clients.
Please contact me so we may explore creative new directions for your organization. Telephone, email and address.
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